IV Therapy

Restorative and hydrating IV Therapies

The intravenous (IV) route is the most rapid and effective method to deliver vital fluids, electrolytes, and medication to the body. IV therapies help to facilitate optimum hydration and support vital functions for a speedy recovery. To provide you with the utmost convenience and comfort, we are offering this essential service in the comfort of your home, hotel, or office, aiming to restore your wellness and vitality in under an hour so you can feel better and get on with your day.

We offer targeted IV therapy solutions to get you feeling back to your best self as soon as possible. We help determine which one is the best solution for you during our consultation.

How it works

IV fluids are administered directly into the bloodstream with 100% efficiency, significantly surpassing the 60% or less efficiency of oral intake. This promotes faster recovery, and the effects of IV drips are usually felt almost immediately. An IV session takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete.

What’s expected

IV therapies can help with dehydration-related symptoms, provide a faster recovery from hangovers, and may promote better overall whole-body health. There is zero pre or post-treatment effort needed from you.

We deliver transformative IV hydration therapies that will restore fluid and electrolyte balance to invigorate your overall wellness or for fast recovery.